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Starship Titanic by Douglas Adams and Terry Jones

Title: Starships Titanic

Author: Douglas Adams and Terry Jones

Publisher: Harmony 1997

Genre: Fantasy

Pages: 246

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Summer Reading Challenge; 52 Books Club

In this thoroughly satisfying and completely disorienting novel based on a story line by Douglas Adams (author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy), Terry Jones recounts an unforgettable tale of intergalactic travel and mishap. The saga of "the ship that cannot possibly go wrong" sparkles with wit, danger, and confusion that will keep readers guessing which reality they are in and how, on earth, to find their way out again.

A random pic from our server library for this week. J has been badgering me to read this for years now and I figured why not? To be clear, this is based on a Douglas Adams story that he didn’t complete before his death. Afterward, Terry Jones (of Monty Python fame) finished the story and recorded the audiobook. The Douglas Adams parts, full of asides and strange coincidences were great. The Terry Jones parts, I assume the weird relationships and sex talk, were not as great. If I could have reworked a few scenes, I would have really loved this story. As it stands, it’s a mostly fun space romp for fans of Adams and his quirky sense of humor.

Next up on the TBR pile: