Wading Through...

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Spring Bucket List Update #2

After taking a bit of a break from bucket lists in 2021 (seriously, that year was a trash fire), I’m back this year. We have a variety of projects that we want to accomplish this coming year and I want to make some intentions for each season. For spring:

  1. Check off 150 hours of our 1000 hours outside project - 89/150 so far

  2. Two Lincoln Excursion Days - We’ve done one so far!

  3. Three State park Visits - We hit Schramm a few weeks back.

  4. Read 50 books - 35/50

  5. Day trip to Des Moines

  6. At least 6 zoo visits (2/6)

  7. Design board for future kitchen renovation

  8. Monthly bingo/trivia nights - On track!

  9. Do a donation drop

  10. Take the kids bowling or mini golfing

  11. Log 50 miles on the treadmill

  12. Make homemade cinnamon rolls

  13. Plan out curriculum for next year - in progress

  14. Plan out the Bookish Retreat! - in progress

  15. Plan an Indiana trip for summer complete with Indianapolis mini trip - in progress

  16. Weekend trip to Kansas ✓ - We are there right now!

  17. Plan a redo for our homeschool space / playroom - in progress

  18. Do a Closet Cleanout for Me - in progress

  19. Do a Closet Cleanup for the Kids - in progress

  20. Work on a Craft Project

Up Next on the TBR: