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Snowpiercer Vol. 3

Title: Snowpiercer Vol. 3: Terminus

Author: Olivier Bocquet , Jean-Marc Rochette

Publisher: Titan Comics 2016

Genre: Comic

Pages: 232

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges:

On a future, frozen Earth, humanity has been packed onto self-sustaining trains, doomed to circumnavigate the globe until the end of the interminable ice age - or until the engines give out.

When a scrap of music piques their interest, the inhabitants of the Icebreaker take the ultimate risk and cross the frozen ocean, a vast expanse with no train tracks... and no way to return to them.

This was the standout volume for me! We pick up right where Volume 2 left off and eventually find ourselves in a hidden world. I loved the imagination in the creation of this underground world. I loved the reveals as we finally understand what is happening with the mice. A much more thrilling story from start to finish. I only wish the art was a little less stark and dark.

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