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Quentin: 24 Months / 2 Years

Happy Birthday to my Quentin Deckard! It’s fitting that we’re starting our new adventure in a new state on your birthday. Here’s to many more great years watching you grow!

Likes: Arthur, playing, running, jumping, “reading” books, singing and music, dogs, trains

Dislikes: Naps, being told “no”, not being able to just go

Sleeping: I think he is getting his last molars as sleeping has been spotty lately. And he’s been waking every morning around 6 or 6:30am.

Eating: Less picky than Arthur, but he still is fairly picky. We went and got Indian food last week and he loved the chutneys, rice, naan, and mango lassi. Not too excited about the curry we got.

Playing: Most days he loves playing with Arthur. Their current favorite game is pretending to be jaguars or cheetahs. He also really enjoys driving his cars and trains around the house.

Milestones: Starting to talk more and more. He seems to have skipped the bit between single words and complex sentences. He doesn’t talk that often, but when he does it’s a 5 or 6 word grammatically correct sentence. The other day he said “I want to ride the train” while at the zoo. I call that progress.

Out and About: We tried to hit up most of our favorite California places before we moved. His favorite is definitely the beach. He loves digging in the sand and running from the waves.

Next up on the TBR Pile: