Here's my randomness for the week:
Dentist appointment this morning and surprisingly I had very little pain.
Unfortunately, I had pain elsewhere due to my scar tissue. Can’t have an entire day pain free…
I did make a doctor’s appointment to start the long process of figuring out everything that’s wrong with me, but it’s not until early December.
Thinking about extending Spooky Book Month through November. There are so many good ones on my stack that I am not going to get to by Tuesday.
I really need to make a clothing shopping list for myself. Underwear and socks are a must. I want some new Pjs also and my sneakers are getting very worn.
The area around my chair is mess. I haven’t had a chance to clear up the curriculum piles, library books, magazines, and assorted items. Guess what I’m doing Saturday morning.
Next up on the TBR pile: