Wading Through...

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Odds and Ends

Here's my randomness for the week:

  • The weather has taken a turn for the windy, cloudy, and cooler. Thank goodness! I am going to enjoy it for the next few days because next week it’s going to be back into the 90s.

  • Tomorrow I’m leading a pond exploration for 23 kiddos ages 4 to 12. I foresee so much chaos!

  • A friend asked some of us if an adult’s night at Vala’s would be something interesting. Oh hell yeah! My favorite place during my favorite time of the year and no kids with me. Sign me up! (I’m hosting a family campfire night there in October, but this is completely different!)

  • One of my co-op supply bags has acquired multiple holes in the bottom. Duct tape to the rescue, but I’m sad. I may need to watch the website for sales and buy some new ones.

Next up on the TBR pile: