Wading Through...

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October 2019 Life Goals

Let’s check in on September's goals and my progress.

  • Read 15 books - Success! Just made it with 16 books.

  • Visit Vala’s - Success! We’ve gone twice so far this season!

  • Create a rotation of activities/places - Threw this goal out. We’re just going to play it by ear until after Christmas.

  • Plan/prep for the birthday party - Success! I have more things to do, but many items have been checked off.

  • Clean out the kitchen boxes - 50% success. I emptied one. The other box is full of party supplies, so many will get used this month.

October’s Goals:

  • Scary movie/television/reading month - We have a list of movies, television shows, and books for this month. I’m going all in for Halloween!

  • Pumpkin patch visit with friends - Working on a plan to go to a patch with a few other families.

  • Pull off Arthur and Quentin’s birthday party - October 12th!!!

  • New Halloween activity - No trick-or-treating at the zoo this year. We’re looking for a different activities.

Next up on the TBR list: