Wading Through...

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Life Right Now #7

On my bedside table: P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han; Chronicles of St. Mary’s short stories

On my TV: Keeping up with The Magicians, Last Week Tonight, and Patriot Act. I finished out this season of The Bachelor.

Listening to: Working through This Podcast Will Kill You and Presidential podcasts.

On the menu: We’re in Indiana so dinner is a bit up in the air this week. I need to meal plan for when we get back to Nebraska.

On my to do list: We’re mainly focused on celebrating the twins’s birthday and spring break this week, so my to-do list is on pause right now. I do want to spend some time doing a brain dump to get things organized.

Happening this week: The twins’s 16th birthday!!! We also have plans to meet up with some friends and I’m going to dinner (sans kiddos) with other friends.

What I am creating: Working on my Memory Planner and planner spreads while here. Somehow I completely forgot all of the pens that I use in those. Argh! I went to Target yesterday and they didn’t have any black ones, just colors. I bought other pens that I hope work, but I need to try them on some scrap paper.

My simple pleasures: Loving iced tea and podcasts on the drive from Nebraska.

What I’m planning: Now that we’re here in Indiana, my next big trip/project is Stampin’ Up!’s OnStage event in April.

Looking around the house: I’m not there…

Looking forward to: Dinner with friends this week and meeting my new niece!

From the camera: We stopped at Legoland Discovery Center outside Chicago on the way to Indiana.