Wading Through...

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Life Right Now #22

On my bedside table: All the spooky books! I have The Hacienda by Isabel Canas and Book of Night by Holly Black on the short stack.

On my tv this week: It’s been all funny shows all week.

Listening to: I caught up on a new-to-me podcast that J suggested, Conspiracy She Wrote. I really found the episodes about Beyonce and Meghan Thee Stallion to be fascinating.

On the menu for this week:

  • Monday - Chili and Cornbread

  • Tuesday - Snack Dinner

  • Wednesday - Chicken Ranch Tacos

  • Thursday - Apple Cheddar Grilled Cheese

  • Friday - Ranch Cheddar Chicken

  • Saturday - Beef Stew

  • Sunday - Caprese and Avocado Toast

Happening this week:

  • Monday - Home Day

  • Tuesday - First Vala’s Visit of the Season! Co-op Happy Hour

  • Wednesday - First Joslyn Art Museum Visit since they reopened (after being closed for two years!)

  • Thursday - Co-op

  • Friday - Ditmar’s Apple Orchard Day

  • Saturday - Home Day

  • Sunday - Co-op Steering Committee Meeting; Nerdy Bookish Friends Book Club meeting

What I am creating: Nothing much this week, although I really want to get back to my Memory Planner.

My simple pleasures: Cucumber Melon Sparkling Water, Fall Flavors

Looking around the house: Meh. It’s fine. I do need to pick up some things for Happy Hour on Tuesday.

From the camera: We had a hitchhiker on the way back from the OPPD Arboretum on Friday morning. I didn’t notice this little guy until halfway home. He made it all the way back to our house and eventually leapt off into our yard.