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Lovely Corruption by Katee Robert

Title: Lovely Corruption (previously published as Undercover Attraction) (The O’Malleys #5)

Author: Katee Robert

Publisher: Forever 2017

Genre: Romance

Pages: 336

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: None

Where I Got It: Library ebook

Spice Rating: 5

Scandal. Wealth. Power. Seduction. Welcome to the world of the O'Malleys.
Ex-cop Charlotte Finch used to think there was a clear line between right and wrong. Then her fellow officers betrayed her, and the world is no longer so black and white. Especially when it's Aiden O'Malley, one of the most dangerous men in Boston, who offers her a chance for justice. The only catch: she'll have to pretend to be his fiancvee for his plan to work.
Aiden can't afford to let anyone see the man behind the mask. To run the O'Malley empire, he has to be cool and controlled at all times. But the moment he meets Charlie, they're playing with fire. Her slightest touch is enough to send him over the edge. At first their "engagement" was a way to eliminate his enemies. Now he'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe-- even if he has to destroy his own family to do it.

Thank goodness the series redeemed itself with this volume. Aiden has always been a closed book in this series, and we finally get to peel back the layers a bit. I loved seeing him become vulnerable and start to see how his actions have affected the other families members. Charlie is a great foil for his personality and strength. We get to see how Charlie tempers Aiden’s worst tendencies and creates more of a bond with the rest of the family. On the other side of the story, we get a lot of big action sequences and suspenseful moments involving the other families. And I must say that the steamy scenes in this one were really memorable.

The O’Malleys

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