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Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon by Matt Dinniman

Title: Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon

Author: Matt Dinniman

Publisher: Dandy House 2019

Genre: Horror LitRPG

Pages: 660

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges:

It had seemed like a dream offer. Paint a mural. $15,000. How could Duke not jump at the chance?

But it came with a catch, as these things often do. He had to first see what his client wanted him to paint.

A private server. A digital playground. An alliance of the world’s most sadistic, most depraved minds. A place to bring their prey, to hone their skills.

Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon. Survival horror. One of the most brutal, most terrifying full-immersion games ever made. A place where fantasy characters such as elves and dwarves clash with technology, where giant monsters roam the hills, entrusted with protecting the gates of heaven from the demons who would tear it all down.

A game where one plays the last of the battlefield surgeons: a healer tasked with keeping the behemoths alive at all costs.

But on this server, they don’t care about the game. That’s not why they’re here. They’ve come because of the game’s most unique feature: Full pain. Realistic anatomy. The ability to bring their victims well beyond the body’s normal breaking point. And most importantly, the ability to bring them back and do it all over again.

Trapped in a bloody, merciless nightmare, Duke only has one goal. To survive. And in order to survive, he must play the game. He must win the game. And to do that, he must become the most cruel, most ruthless monster of them all.

After reading and really enjoying the Dungeon Crawler Carl series, J wanted me to read Dinniman’s earlier stand-alone work. This one wasn’t quite as much of a win or me. The style is very much classic LitRPG. There’s a lot of telling but not showing. The paragraphs are full of long blocks of exposition describing the action, but often it drags down the narration. As to the story itself, this one is very brutal. It is much more horror than the Carl series. The body horror and gore factor is very very high. I would not recommend this one to many people. Only one or two scenes actually made me a little squeamish. But it definitely it full of gore. While I did enjoy this book, Duke is not Carl and there’s definitely many differences between those characters. I learned so much about Carl just from the first book. Duke is much more of a mystery even by the end of the book.

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