Wading Through...

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Fall Bucket List

Another season, another bucket list. This one will be a bit weird as we are moving to a different state at the end of September. There is a short list of things we want to hit before leaving California and a list of things for Indiana and Nebraska. It's going to be a mixed bag.


  1. Visit Rocket Fizz
  2. Take a Ferry Ride to San Francisco
  3. Have a Beach Day
  4. Enjoy my Retreat Weekend!
  5. Celebrate Arthur and Quentin's Birthdays!
  6. Visit Children's Fairyland
  7. Visit Children's Creativity Museum
  8. Eat at Black Bear
  9. Buy pie in Guerneville
  10. Have one more pool party


  1. Visit Fort Wayne Zoo
  2. Visit Science Central
  3. Visit Omaha Zoo
  4. Visit Omaha Children's Museum
  5. Get a new library card
  6. Find a good park
  7. Go see a movie in the theater
  8. Go to Vala's Pumpkin Festival
  9. Eat at Coney Island
  10. Travel to OBM Sparkle Party in Iowa City
  11. Find a good indie bookstore
  12. Visit the comic books store
  13. Find a good brunch place (Wheatfields?)
  14. Have dinner with a friend alone
  15. Join a new parent group
  16. Join a book club
  17. Get my crafty business started 
  18. Go to Fort Wayne for Thanksgiving
  19. Create a fall signature cocktail

Next up on the TBR pile: