Wading Through...

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Extinct by Ike Hamill

Title: Extinct (Extinct #1)

Author: Ike Hamill

Publisher: 2013

Genre: Horror

Pages: 389

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Mount TBR; A to Z - X; Seasonal Series - Creatures of the Night

Channel Two predicted a blanket of snow for Thanksgiving weekend--unusual, but not alarming for the little Maine island. What comes is a blinding blizzard, and a mass disappearance of nearly every person Robby Pierce knows. He and his family flee, trying to escape the snow and the invisible forces stealing people right from the street.

Miles away, Brad Jenkins battles the same storm. Alone, he attempts to survive as snow envelops his house. When the storm breaks, Brad makes his way south to where the snow ends and the world lies empty. Join Brad, Robby, and the other survivors as they fight to find the truth about the apocalypse and discover how to live in their new world.

I have very mixed feelings about this book. I love the world-building and the overall plot line. I loved the creep factor, especially the first 1/3 of the book. But, I just didn’t love the characters. If I had to pick a favorite, I guess I would say Brad. However, I just wasn’t a fan of any of the characters. By the end of the book, none of the characters really appealed to me. And yet, I really really wanted to find out what happens with the thing in the snow. I wanted to get a closer look at the shadow creatures and the water. And there was a big question when it came to the Chinese buffet. Who was actually in there? As I still really need answers to these questions, I’m going to read the next book in the series.


  • #1 Extinct

  • #2 Instinct

  • #3 Black Friday

  • #4 Distinct

Next up on the TBR pile: