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Dark Succession by Katee Robert

Title: Dark Succession (previously published as The Marriage Contract) (The O’Malleys #1)

Author: Katee Robert

Publisher: Forever 2015

Genre: Romance

Pages: 336

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: COYER; She Reads Romance - Mafia Romance

Spice Rating: 5

Teague O'Malley hates pretty much everything associated with his family's name. And when his father orders him to marry Callista Sheridan to create a "business" alliance, Teague's ready to tell his dad exactly where he can stuff his millions. But then Teague actually meets his new fiancée, sees the bruises on her neck and the fight still left in her big blue eyes, and vows he will do everything in his power to protect her.

Everyone knows the O'Malleys have a dangerous reputation. But Callie wasn't aware just what that meant until she saw Teague, the embodiment of lethal grace and coiled power. His slightest touch sizzles through her. But the closer they get, the more trouble they're in. Because Callie's keeping a dark secret-and what Teague doesn't know could get him killed.

I finally started reading one of Robert’s earlier series. This is contemporary mafia romance is it not my usual genre. Still, I will try anything Robert writes. Overall we get a good spicy enemies to lovers romance with added suspense and action. I enjoyed getting to know the O’Malleys although I mustt say that Teague isn’t my favorite so far. I did enjoy Teague and Callie’s dynamic as they navigate their families. I think this will be one of those series that doesn’t stay with me forever, but is entertaining to read in between other books.

The O’Malleys

  • #1 The Marriage Contract / Dark Succession

  • #2 The Wedding Pact / Heated Rivals

  • #3 An Indencent Proposal / Twisted Secrets

  • #4 Forbidden Promises / Beautiful Vengeance

  • #5 Undercover Attraction / Lovely Corruption

  • #6 The Bastard’s Bargain / Ruthless Redemption

Next up on the TBR pile: