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Cursed Cruise by Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren

Title: Cursed Cruise (Horror Hotel #2)

Author: Victoria Fulton and Faith McClaren

Publisher: Underlined 2024

Genre: YA Horror

Pages: 288

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library Love

After their fateful stay at the Hearst Hotel, the Ghost Gang is back with more spooks and more subscribers. They’ve been invited to record onboard the RMS Queen Anne, a transatlantic luxury ocean liner with a colorful past of violent deaths of hundreds of passengers—souls that bought a one-way ticket to the afterlife (and never disembarked).

When Chrissy, Chase, Kiki, and Emma board the ship, they have a funny feeling they’ve been sucked into a ghostly time warp—a theory that takes a frightening turn when Chrissy goes missing on the first night.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the group, Chrissy has been sucked into another time by a passenger who wants the Ghost Gang to know her untimely death was not an accident and the perpetrator is still alive—and on board this ship.

Well, that was decently fun. After two duds of books, I was really hoping for something fun and exciting that wouldn’t make me think too hard. This was just the ticket. We jump back into the Ghost Gang months after their adventures in the Horror Hotel. This time they are going on a haunted cruise ship (nothing can go wrong, right?) and meeting some TV rivals. I liked this book incorporated a ton of high seas urban myths as well as some classic ghost stories. I liked that we shifted focus from Chrissy to the rest of the Ghost Gang. Seriously, I didn’t realize how tiresome Chrissy was in the first book until I read the second. I also liked seeing Kiki and her mom reconnect over trauma. I sped through this book in two days attempting to cleanse my reading palette and it totally worked. There’s nothing deep here, but great ghostly fun.

Horror Hotel

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