Wading Through...

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Currently #9

Reading: A Tempest at Sea by Sherry Thomas - I finally got the next Lady Sherlock book and am absolutely loving it!

Watching: The Great S3 dropped and we are slowly making our way through it. I absolutely love how unhinged this show is.

Listening: Going all the way back into my podcast archives and I finally started listening to What Roman Mars Can Learn About Con Law. So far I’ve listening to the first five episodes and while I haven’t learned much, the episodes have been enjoyable.

Making: For Sunday’s brunch I made apple cinnamon muffins and they were epic. Time consuming to make, but oh so good to eat.

Feeling: I have a few plates up in the air right now and trying to make sure they don’t fall. It’s making me a bit anxious this week. I just want to set the plates down soon.

Planning: In connection with how I’m feeling, I’m dealing with some logistics this week. I’ve got coop plans and retreat plans to solidify. Hopefully I can get this done by Saturday.

Loving: Really loving the prompt responses that I get from most people when I put a call out for anything. I don’t mean immediate responses (although those are nice too), but responses that are done within a reasonable time period. I really dislike having to track people down to get them to respond. Ugh!

Next up on the TBR pile: