Wading Through...

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Currently #9

Reading: Code Name Hèléne by Ariel Lawhon - I had to take a little break after a very graphic section, but I’m back into the book. About 50% of the way through so far. I’m liking it, but it’s a heavy book.

Watching: J and have caught up with Foundation and it’s oh so good! They changed a lot from the books, but kept most of the philosophy and some of the big plot points. I’m so excited to see where the show is going.

Listening: I finally downloaded the new Black Veil Brides album and it’s been on repeat. I really love “Blackbird” and “Torch.”

Making: I had to completely dissemble my homeschool bookshelf to put in a printer station. So now I’m slowly making piles for December and then all the months for the spring semester. So many piles, but I didn’t want to just dump stuff back onto the bookshelf.

Feeling: We are finally into fall around here and all I want to do is wear my snuggliest sweaters. Nothing super heavy (I still like to feel my fingers), but a brisk temperature and a light sweater are my favorites.

Planning: With the kids getting vaccinated by early December, we have decided to go to Indiana for Christmas. Now I need to plan out all the logistics and start making plans.

Loving: During my break from Code Name Hèléne , I picked up Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas. It’s not October anymore, but I’m still loving the gothic horror in this book. Not much has happened plot wise, but I am so invested in the atmosphere.

Next up on the TBR pile: