Wading Through...

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Currently #9

Reading: Things in Jars by Jess Kidd - One of my Book of the Month selections. It’s a strange story reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes with a dash of actual fantasy thrown in. I’m really digging it so far!

Watching: We’re currently balancing a light show (Making It S2) and a dark show (Broadchurch S2) before we embark on a movie week.

Listening: Randomly picking albums to listen to while making meals. The other day is was Invented from Jimmy Eat World.

Making: Back at the Project Life spreads. I’m so close to finishing Arthur’s 2018 Album. Just about 50 more photos to print. and a few more weeks to journal.

Feeling: Tired. This whole thing has exhausted me daily. Sleeping 8 hours isn’t even touching my exhaustion.

Planning: We’re shooting for the grocery store once every two - two and half weeks. That means I really need to get creative about what to buy and when so things do not go bad before using.

Loving: With all the crazy, I have found time to read daily. Working in at least an hour every day.

Next up on the TBR pile: