Wading Through...

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Currently #8

Reading: Finally diving into The Morningside by Téa Obreht. This is one of the retreat book club selections and I’m leading the discussions. I wanted to read it closer to the event to keep it fresh in my mind.

Watching: We have made it to S3 of Welcome to Wrexham. Such drama!

Listening: I’m nearing the 75% mark of the audiobook of Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon by Matt Dinniman. Dungeon Crawler Carl is still my preferred book, but this one is good. Very gory…

Making: Finishing up the last pieces of retreat planning. I have a few leftover tasks before I’m completely ready to head down.

Feeling: With so many projects in progress, I’ve been feeling a little scattered. I need a good brain dump/reset this weekend.

Planning: Another project I’m working on is curriculum plans for fall.

Loving: I’m really enjoying watermelon and grapes. Fresh fruit is my go-to snack right now.

Next up on the TBR pile: