Wading Through...

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Currently #8

Reading: Foundation and Earth by Isaac Asimov. I have finally reached the end of the giant series.

Watching: October is always spooky movie month. I make a list of possible selections and then most nights we pick on to watch. (Usually one of us pick three possibilities and then the other person has to choose one of those.) We’ve started the month with a variety of older movies, either new to me or or rewatches. It’s been fun so far.

Listening: I’m diving back into lots of hard rock as my music choice lately. Apparently fall is for hard rock.

Making: With the cooling temperatures, I’m finally back into making new desserts and trying new recipes.

Feeling: The bookish retreat last week really helped me calm my brain and recharge. I’m feeling a lot better right now.

Planning: My homeschool coop has decided to have a Halloween Party in a few weeks. Of course, I’m helping to plan the party. It’s what I do.

Loving: We picked up a gallon of apple cider at the grocery and it was the best decision of the week.

Next up on the TBR pile: