Wading Through...

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Currently #7

Reading: Beautiful by Christina Lauren. I finally made it to the last book in this series. They are definitely my current comfort reads.

Watching: While J was gone last week, I started watching Starstruck and Minx and I am addicted to both.

Listening: Sad that the new Coheed and Cambria album isn’t out yet, but I have been listening to the three singles a lot lately.

Making: Made chocolate cake for D&D on Saturday and we’ve almost eaten the entire thing. I may need to make a new variation this weekend.

Feeling: I had my permanent crown put on Monday and am still feeling slightly sore today.

Planning: I need to finish planning out our May Kansas trip. We have lodgings and tickets for one event. I need to get our list of restaurants and other events set.

Loving: We rented two chicks for this week and are having so much fun with Sunshine and Shadow! The boys are learning so much about chickens and caring for them.

Next up on the TBR pile: