Wading Through...

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Currently #7

Reading: In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren. I finally picked it up off the library stack and dug right in.

Watching: I need to catch up with the antics on Bachelor in Paradise. I cannot wait!

Listening: We started listening to the Magic 2.0 series from Scott Meyer on our road trip. We finished the first book, Off to Be the Wizard, and have almost finished the second book, Spell or High Water.

Making: October is traditionally our spooky movie month. I usually make a list of options that we choose from each day. I’m making that list this week and I’m really excited for some of the entries.

Feeling: I love our family road trips, but it’s just so good to be home…

Planning: I’m less than 2 weeks away from the bookish retreat so I’m planning my packing lists. I have good to pack, food to buy on the way, personal items to pack, alcohol to pack, crafts. to pack, and all the miscellaneous stuff.

Loving: After a week sleeping in hotels, I’m so excited to sleep in my own bed. My back thanks me for being back.

Next up on the TBR pile: