Wading Through...

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Currently #6

Reading: Wintering by Katherine May… I’ve been taking this book slowly and definitely need to own it to reread every few years.

Watching: We’re still working through Hustle. Up to Season 4 now.

Listening: The kids are not doing well this month and have been spending a lot of time bickering. I think it’s a combination of quarantine months, the heat, and non-routine days. I’m hoping August will be better for all of us.

Making: I’m currently working on a variety of coop lessons for the fall. I have our Math in Nature lessons prepped, but need to finish Birds, Mammals, Dinosaurs, and a few others.

Feeling: After a brief cool down, we’re back to temperatures in the upper 90s. I’m so very hot and tired.

Planning: Before we start our next year of homeschooling, I have a few more field trips scheduled. Today we are heading to Morrill Hall in Lincoln. Later we will take another trip to Lincoln for a zoo visit and a few more zoo visits.

Loving: We had bulgogi last night from a new-to-us Korean restaurant. It was just what I wanted!

Next up on the TBR pile: