Wading Through...

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Currently #5

Reading: The Blackbird Girls by Anna Blankman, so far a very stressful but good story about two girls in the aftermath of the Chernobyl meltdown.

Watching: We started Severance S1 and it is so weird.. We love it!

Listening: Really I’m just listening to the usual podcasts. Nothing that exciting.

Making: March is almost over. That means that I’m making plans for my April reading. I really really need to read from my shelves, but I keep getting distracted by shiny new library books.

Feeling: I’m doing okay right now. Feeling a bit of a lull.

Planning: We’re over halfway through the semester. It’s about time to do a survey to start planning our next year.

Loving: We ordered a lemon cake for J’s birthday (a week earlier), and it was incredibly delicious.

Next up on the TBR pile: