Reading: The Mountain in the Sea by Ray Nayler - I’m so in deep into this science fiction adventure. It’s so good.
Watching: We’re finishing Brave New World and it’s just so dramatic.
Listening: I finally downloaded the Gorillaz new album. Definitely a masterpiece.
Making: Instead of scones, I’m making banana bread this week. I might end up making a chocolate chip version also.
Feeling: I had my birthday day out on Sunday and I’m feeling refreshed.
Planning: With the huge increase in attendees, I’m updating my games plan. We’re going to spread out the activities and maybe make some new games.
Loving: I did a bit of shopping on Sunday and bought some pieces to update my closet. I ended up with just some basic pieces, but they should be good replacements for some things that are being worn out.
Next up on the TBR pile: