Wading Through...

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Currently #4

Reading: Bellman & Black by Diane Setterfield. I loved The Thirteenth Tale, hoping this one is just as good. I’m only a few pages in, but so far, pretty interesting.

Watching: J and I started This Giant Beast that Is the Global Economy with Kal Penn. Depressing, but interesting dive into various aspects of the global economy.

Listening: Lots of podcasts. I’m currently catching up with a few back episodes of Reading Glasses.

Making: The dish of the week is apparently scones. Yesterday I made chocolate chip ones and mango and coconut ones. I want to try out a savory recipe (maybe ham and cheese?) and a new sweet recipe this week.

Feeling: It’s my birthday!!!

Planning:  Putting the finishing touches on our travel plans next week. We’re hitting Legoland Chicago on our way to Indiana.

Loving: My in-laws got me a cozy new library themed blanket. Perfect addition to my reading chair in the playroom. It’s been so cold lately and our house has weird cold (playroom) and hot spots (master bedroom) so we’ve been playing with the thermostat. A blanket helps me stay cozy reading while the kiddos play.

Next up on the TBR pile: