Wading Through...

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Currently #3

Reading: The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary. Book club needed something a little more light and fluffy.

Watching: J got me started watching Hustle. I know he had me watch the first episode years ago and then we moved to something else and never continued. It’s entertaining in a light way. Con of the week style episodes. We’ve been alternating between Hustle and S3 of Star Trek: Voyager this past week.

Listening: Not much music this week, but I have been catching up on Bookend Homeschoolers podcast. Not every episode is super useful to me, but many of them have great nuggets of advice.

Making: I’m finally getting back to my December Daily album for 2020. Here’s hoping I finish before the end of the month.

Feeling: So very tired. Q has been getting up at 6:30am usually by screaming or crying. It’s taking a toll on my sleep to be woken up so abruptly.

Planning: To travel or not? I’m thinking about the summer months but also our road trip. We might be able to do the road trip in fall (like late September) and I need to start planning it.

Loving: I’ve been making fruit smoothies for breakfast on and off for the past two months. Big hit over here! I now have a stack of like 20 different recipes that we cycle through.

Next up on the TBR pile: