Wading Through...

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Currently #3

Reading: The Radium Girls by Kate Moore -- April's book club selection. I just started, but so far it's really interesting. 

Watching: We finally finished S3, so we are on to S4 of Supernatural. Finally they introduce the angels. I had forgotten when that happened. 

Listening: Arthur is still on a Black Veil Brides kick, so that's what we've been listening to in the car. I'm totally okay with listening to a little metal.

Making: I've seen the new Stampin' Up! catalog (launching June 2nd), and know what stamps sets are retiring. In May, I usually devote most of my craft blog posts to cards featuring the retiring sets. I'm starting to make the cards this week. Two sets down, sixteen to go...

Feeling: A bit stretched... Nothing super crazy happening right now, just feel like the boys have been pulling me this way and that way. It would help if at least one of the them would take consistent naps, but nope.

Planning: Tentatively starting to plan out summer activities. Nothing set in stone yet, but I'm thinking a concert, maybe a comic con, possibly a trip to the aquarium, and a ton of the usual park playdates and arcade trips. 

Loving: A friend brought Butterscotch Oatmeal bars to our cookout last weekend and they are heavenly. Currently eating a little piece Yum yum!

Next up on the TBR pile: