Wading Through...

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Currently #2

Reading: Babel by R.F. Kuang - We’re reading this for my Nerdy Bookish Friends buddy read and it’s amazing so far. Definitely speculative fiction mixed with historical fiction with a dash of fantasy. I’m slowly making my way through it, but loving every page.

Watching: We’re finishing our big rewatch of His Dark Materials. The television series is a great adaptation of the books.

Listening: I’m catching up to Currently Reading. Only about three episodes behind.

Making: I keep forgetting about various documentaries we own that would be perfect for our homeschooling. So, I’m making a master list to slot into the places they belong.

Feeling: I’m almost fully recovered from the cold that I caught last week. It was my first true cold since the pandemic started and it was awful. I couldn’t breathe for three days.

Planning: Working on the plans for the bookish retreat and I’m having so much fun. I’ve got some ideas for great treats and surprises as well as a few games.

Loving: Dealing with multiple instances of people not reading the instructions and it’s really been getting to me. I try to be as clear as possible with instructions when it comes to coop, the retreat, and everything else I plan. Just read the instructions people.

Next up on the TBR pile: