Wading Through...

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Currently #2

Reading: Nearing the end of Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr. it’s just so so good…

Watching: It’s February Movie Month. So far, it’s been a mile bag, but we are committing to a varied list of movies to watch.

Listening: Definitely moving back to my hard rock playlists. They are my favorite.

Making: I finished my 2021 Memory Planner and have started working on collages for my 2022 Memory Planner. I am waiting for photo paper to be delivered so that I can print them.

Feeling: The past four days I had a huge scar tissue flare-up that resulted in a ton of pain. Thankfully it is subsiding. I’m feeling a lot better. And hoping that our walk in the woods today helps loosen everything.

Planning: We don’t have a full extra events calendar prepped for February yet. Guess I need to add some extra fun to our plan.

Loving: J has been making cognac sazeracs and I have been loving them! Definitely my current cocktail of choice.

Next up on the TBR pile: