Wading Through...

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Currently #2

Reading: Demonglass and Spell Bound by Rachel Hawkins. After some more adult reads, I'm taking a bit of a YA break to finish this series. 

Watching: J and I have been on a movie kick lately. I actually made a watch list in my bujo because I keep forgetting the movies I want to watch. Now we can look at the short list, pick something to watch, and cross it off! (I'm a huge lister and completionist over here.)

Listening: I downloaded some albums onto my Apple Music app and one of my selections was the new Black Veil Brides album. I love some metal every once in awhile!

Making: I'm trying to finish a month in our family Project Life album from last year. Currently working on April and May. Plus, I'm documenting Week in the Life this week so I'm mentally planning spreads and stories for the album.

Feeling: Last week, I felt very scattered in my tasks and plans. This week, I'm much much more focused.

Planning: I've got a few new craft classes scheduled for April and May. I need to prep the rest of the card kits. I've also got Spring Bingo scheduled. Now I need to plan out my make n takes and finalize the prizes. Finally, I've still got one project to design for March stamp club and I need to start thinking about April stamp club (last in this round).

Loving: My birthday was yesterday! We don't usually have anything big planned, but I do love commemorating it in some way. The retreat a few weekends back acted as my big present, but I also made sure to have a dessert and a few other little self-care items the day of.

Next up on the TBR pile: