Wading Through...

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Currently #19

Reading: I picked up Episode Thirteen by Craig DiLouie from a list of truly terrifying novels and it’s living up to its reputation. Very, very spooky read for this week.

Watching: J had me start watching Preacher last month and we’ve been loving it so far. Onto season 2 right now.

Listening: When I get an hour or so, I queue up an episode of 99PI or Hello from the Magic Tavern. I’m to 2016 with those shows! Only many many years to go…

Making: For this year’s birthday party, our theme is an art party! I’m busing prepping the art stations all around the house. I have five stations to get ready in time for Saturday’s big event.

Feeling: Between the party, coop, regular activities, and general gigantic to do list, I am a bit stressed right now. I’m going to feel so much better after this weekend. I love doing a big themed party every year, but it is a lot of work.

Planning: Obviously I’m finalizing the birthday party plans. I have a shortlist of supplies to still buy (mostly things I forgot last week) and all the food to prep including baking two simple cakes.

Loving: So far this year, we’ve been to Vala’s three times! I still absolutely love it there. And as we are homeschoolers, buying season passes actually makes sense and is definitely worth the cost. I have five more visits scheduled between now and Halloween. Plus J has to go with us once.

Next up on the TBR pile: