Wading Through...

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Currently #16

Reading: I’m currently deep into Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology. It’s giving me all the spooky vibes that I was looking for. There are some truly terrifying tales in here.

Watching: J and I have been on a game show kick. We’ve been binging episodes of Game Changer and Make Some Noise along with Breaking News and Um, Actually. It’s been a comedy week in this house.

Listening: J also got me started on a new podcast called Conspiracy She Wrote. There’s only a few episodes out, but they are good dives into famous women and conspiracies.

Making: We’ve almost finished our first homeschool section of the year. Time to make piles for the next 6 week session.

Feeling: Securing a location for the Academic Co-op has gotten ridiculous. Add in that fact that not everyone in the group is actually helping and I am frustrated.

Planning: Tomorrow we have to take the car in for an oil change and lots of other regular maintenance issues. We’re going to camp out in the waiting room and do schoolwork. Maybe we will actually get it done with the distractions of home.

Loving: The wind has finally kicked up a bit heading into fall and it’s making my life so much better.

Next up on the TBR pile: