Wading Through...

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Currently #14

Reading: Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt. It’s number three in the Maiden Lane series. Loving my historical romance breaks.

Watching: J and I are finally watching The Orville S1. I initially resisted because Family Guy Seth McFarlane bothers me. This one is much more awkward humor and I’m really enjoying it.

Listening: The kids have started listening to WOW in the World podcast from NPR. I even enjoy it!

Making: Trying to make cookies, but our oven has some strange hot and cold spots. Very annoying…

Feeling: It’s so fucking hot here, still. I hate it.

Planning: I’m looking at some potential field trips to sprinkle into our homeschooling weeks. COVID is making is hard to plan, as we really are trying to avoid indoor places. Today we are going doing to the Missouri River to walk across the pedestrian bridge and then check out the Oregon Trail statue park downtown. Tomorrow we’re going to Tree Adventures in Nebraska City for our nature play day. I’m hoping we can go apple picking next month and are scheduling a homeschooling day at Vala’s. Making a list of some others.

Loving: I’m so hot… drinking lots of iced tea.

Next up on the TBR pile: