Wading Through...

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Currently #12

Reading: I’m deep into The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett for this month’s Nerdy Bookish Friends pick. I’m really enjoying this murder mystery set in am epic fantasy world.

Watching: The Bachelorette is back! I’m enjoy Jenn, but I must say that her men are lacking as a group. I’m not impressed.

Listening: Very slowly making my way through S10 of the Revolutions podcast about the Russian Revolution. I only have ~60 episodes to go…

Making: Still working on travel plans to Indiana. I have a basic outline, but I need to fill in some details. Plus I need to confirm our sleeping arrangements while there.

Feeling: The heat wave is finally breaking today, but my goodness, it has been terrible. Yesterday when I was going to the dentist the temperature was 95 degrees with a feels like temperature of 108 degrees. That’s just way too hot!

Planning: I’ve got a co-op lesson about robots coming up. I also have all of the academic co-op’s civics class to finish planning. Plus I have a co-op lesson about geometry and two about cryptography to plan.

Loving: After 34 years, my fake front tooth started to show decay. My dentist has been watching it for five years, and determined it was time. The two appointments were not fun at all, but I’m loving my new tooth. No more discoloration. No more weird ridge. And it fits very well. I’m excited to eat normally again soon.

Next up on the TBR pile: