Wading Through...

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Currently #12

Reading: The Widow of Pale Harbor by Hester Fox; I thought it was going to be a moody ghost story, but I don’t think there’s going to be anything actually supernatural in this book.

Watching: I’ll admit that I’m actually looking forward to Charity’s season of The Bachelorette.

Listening: J got me started listening to Hello from the Magic Tavern. So very funny!

Making: Yesterday, I finally felt good enough to make food. Along with dinner, I made pasta salad for today and tomorrow’s lunch.

Feeling: It has taken many days, but I’m finally feeling better.

Planning: I’m feeling so much better that I’m probably going to actually follow through with my plans to travel to Indiana and Ohio later this week.

Loving: Getting a good night’s rest has really been a game changer this week. Sleep is good.

Next up on the TBR pile: