Wading Through...

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Currently #12

Reading: Network Effect by Martha Wells - I’m so in love with the Murderbot Diaries. So sad that this is the last one that has been published…

Watching: I finally started S7 of The 100. It’s the last season! I’m sneaking in episodes during my workout sessions.

Listening: So many podcasts this past week. I need more music in my life.

Making: I’m working on homeschool curriculum and packets for the fall.

Feeling: So hot and sweaty! Our treadmill was delivered on July 1st. I’m aiming to walk 30 miles in July. So far, I’ve walked over 6 miles!

Planning: As we’re homeschooling this coming year, I’ve been spending a bit of time every day pulling resources, making lists, and working out our plan. I’ve got a ton of stuff, but now I need to narrow everything down for August.

Loving: Walking the treadmill makes me hungry, but I don’t want to eat crap. Instead, I’ve been grabbing a little handful of nuts after my workout. Honey Roasted Peanuts are my treat.

Next up on the TBR pile: