Wading Through...

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Currently #11

Reading: Getting ready to dive into the 3rd book in The Illuminae Files series, Obsidio. I am really enjoying this series.

Watching: While I was gone, J started watching Barry S1. He paused, backed up, and restarted it so I could watch too. This is one of those shows that we wanted to watch when it aired, but then it got lost in the media shuffle.

Listening:I started S10 of the Revolutions podcast. This last full season is on the Russian Revolution. Eleven episodes in and we are just now covering anything to do with Russia. There was a lot of political and economic philosophy set-up to the season.

Making: We switched from Paprika to Mealie for our recipe management, so I need to make some meal plans for the rest of the summer. I like the interface, but the transfer is a bit of work.

Feeling: I wasn’t feeling great this past weekend (migraine), but thankfully I’m doing better. Ready to tackle the rest of the week.

Planning: Working on our late summer trip to Indiana and then Ohio and Michigan. I think I’ve got the basics mapped out. Now I need to work on hotels and restaurants.

Loving: After horrid hot days, a nice rainstorm moved in yesterday. It was so nice to wake up to the sound of the rain.

Next up on the TBR pile: