Wading Through...

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Currently #10

Reading: I’m almost finished with the current Nerdy Bookish Friends pick Annie Bot by Sierra Greer. I can’t say that I’m enjoying it, but it is interesting.

Watching: We needed some light viewing and are making our way through S2 of Loot.

Listening: I haven’t started another audiobook and I haven’t listened to many podcasts. So nothing really right now.

Making: We’re putting grilled cheese on the menu this week per a request from the kids.

Feeling: My bookish retreat was last weekend and really recharged me. I’m feeling fairly relaxed right now.

Planning: Next Monday to Wednesday I’m taking the boys to Waterloo, IA for a mini road trip. We’re going to stop in Des Moines on the way. The boys are super excited about the waterpark we are visiting.

Loving: Between the retreat and a lighter activity week, I’m fully invested in lots of reading time.

Next up on the TBR pile: