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Broad Strokes by Bridget Quinn

Title: Broad Strokes: 15 Women Who Made Art and Made History (in that Order)

Author: Bridget Quinn

Publisher: Chronicle 2017

Genre: Nonfiction - Art History

Pages: 192

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Nonfiction Reader

Historically, major women artists have been excluded from the mainstream art canon. Aligned with the resurgence of feminism in pop culture, Broad Strokes offers an entertaining corrective to that omission. Art historian Bridget Quinn delves into the lives and careers of 15 female artists from around the globe in text that's smart, feisty, educational, and an enjoyable read. Replete with beautiful reproductions of the artists' works and contemporary portraits of each artist by renowned illustrator Lisa Congdon, this is art history from the Renaissance to Abstract Expressionism for the modern art lover, reader, and feminist.

An online bookish friend recommended this book and I immediately got it from the library. I took two amazing Women Artists in History classes in college, and this book brought me right back to that space of learning. I knew about a few of the women profiled here, but not others. I loved the conversational style of writing highlighting these women’s lives and accomplishments. I loved seeing some of their work in the pages. And I especially love bringing history out of the closet. This would be the perfect gift book for someone interested in women and art.

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