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Bookshop Cinderella by Laura Lee Guhrke

Title: Bookshop Cinderella (Scandal at the Savoy #1)

Author: Laura Lee Guhrke

Publisher: Forever 2023

Genre: Romance

Pages: 323

Rating: 4/5 stars

Reading Challenges: She Reads Romance - Chosen by Its Cover;  Fairytales - Cinderella

Spice Rating: 4.5

Evie Harlow runs a quaint little bookshop in London, which is the biggest adventure an unmarried woman with no prospects could hope for. Until Maximillian Shaw, Duke of Westbourne, saunters into her shop with a proposition: to win a bet with his friends, he’ll turn her into the diamond of the season. The duke might be devilishly attractive, but Evie has no intention of accepting his ludicrous offer. When disaster strikes her shop, however, she’s left with little choice but to let herself be whisked into his high-society world.

Always happy to help a lady in distress, Max thinks he’s saving Evie from her dull spinster’s life. He’ll help her find a husband and congratulate himself on a job well done. But as shy Evie becomes the shining star he always knew she could be, she somehow steals his heart. And when her reputation is threatened, can Max convince her to choose a glittering, aristocratic life with him over the cozy comfort of her bookshop?

I needed a Cinderella retelling and just loved this cover so much (Check out that dress) that I had to check it out. Thankfully this was a good historical romance for the week. Evie is a great foil for the Duke and his high and mightyness. There's a lot of fun back and forth in this story with some great banter. The actual romance bits came a bit too late for my tastes, but were decent. I just wish we would have gotten more of Evie and Max after they start a relationship.

Scandal at the Savoy

  • #1 Bookshop Cinderella

  • #2 Lady Scandal

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