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Beautiful Vengeance by Katee Robert

Title: Beautiful Vengeance (previously published as Forbidden Promises) (The O’Malleys #4)

Author: Katee Robert

Publisher: Forever 2017

Genre: Romance

Pages: 320

Rating: 2/5 stars

Reading Challenges: None

Where I Got It: Library ebook

Spice Rating: 5

Some lines should never be crossed . . . not even for love.
Sloan O'Malley just left her entire world behind-her family, her wealth, and even her real name. For the first time in her life, she's free. She can live the "normal" life she's always wanted: A life without fear. But there's nothing safe about her intensely sexy next-door neighbor.
Jude MacNamara has no room for innocence in his life. Only revenge. Still, he's never been able to walk away from the forbidden, and Sloan--who is every inch of pure, mouthwatering temptation--has forbidden written all over her. Only after it's way too late does he discover the real danger: claiming Sloan as his puts a target on her back. To protect her, Jude is willing risk everything . . . and to hell with the consequences.

Ooof this one did not land for me at all. Right away, I was annoyed by how much of a doormat Sloan was. And she doesn’t really grow much at all throughout the book. Instead we see her stumble around until she falls into bed with Jude. There’s just not enough there to really connect to her as a character. Jude isn’t much better. He’s so drive by revenge that it becomes his entire personality. Not a fan. But my biggest complaint about this book is the accidental pregnancy storyline. I absolutely hate when a virgin has sex and immediately gets pregnant. No thank you! it’s just a tired trope and one that doesn’t allow for the growth of the romance and relationship that I actually want to see.

The O’Malleys

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