Wading Through...

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August 2018 Life Goals

Let’s check in on July's goals and my progress.

  • Sell books at HPB -- Success! We sold three full bags of books and only brought five home.
  • Read 15 books -- So close! I only read 14 books this month, but still decent showing.
  • Enjoy a week with the in-laws -- Success! We all really enjoyed the week. 
  • Gather the twins's school supplies -- Fail, but no big deal. We were going to buy the supplies, but nothing was stalked or on sale at Target yet. I'm planning on buying them this week.
  • Start the birthday party idea gathering -- Success! I have a Pinterest board and have started to buy key pieces. 
  • See at least one movie in the theater (without kiddos) -- Fail. 

August's Goals:

  • Read 15 books -- I have a stack of books waiting on my nightstand.
  • Wrap up the OBM Care Exchange -- The sending deadline is the 5th. I hope to wrap-up this exchange quickly.
  • Finish sending out OBM cards -- Half are sent out, need to buy more stamps to get the rest out.
  • Pack 10 more boxes -- We've had great progress over the last two weeks. Hoping to keep the motivation to finish packing more boxes. 
  • Plan and execute 10 more kid activities -- We have a small bucket list before we leave California. 

Next up on the TBR list: