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Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane

Title: Ask Again, Yes

Author: Mary Beth Keane

Publisher: Schribner 2019

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 390

Rating: 3/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Library; MMD 2012-2019

Francis Gleeson and Brian Stanhope, rookie cops in the NYPD, live next door to each other outside the city. What happens behind closed doors in both houses—the loneliness of Francis’s wife, Lena, and the instability of Brian’s wife, Anne, sets the stage for the explosive events to come.

Ask Again, Yes is a deeply affecting exploration of the lifelong friendship and love that blossoms between Kate Gleeson and Peter Stanhope, born six months apart. One shocking night their loyalties are divided, and their bond will be tested again and again over the next 40 years. Luminous, heartbreaking, and redemptive, Ask Again, Yes reveals the way childhood memories change when viewed from the distance of adulthood—villains lose their menace and those who appeared innocent seem less so. Kate and Peter’s love story, while haunted by echoes from the past, is marked by tenderness, generosity, and grace.

For the record, I can see why people love this book. I enjoyed Keane’s writing and the transitions between sentences and paragraphs. She is a talented writer. Unfortunately, I am not a fan of the depressing family drama stories. The story did not grab me at any time. I wasn’t clamoring to pick the book back up after putting it down. It took me almost two weeks read this books. Ridiculously slow for my usual time for completion of 2-3 days. Everything moved so slowly in the book, except for the large time jumps. The characters are all realistic, and yet, I wasn’t connecting to any one of those characters. I just wasn’t a fan of anyone in the novel. The disconnect combined with slow writing and a very dark tone left me not really enjoying this book at all.

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