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2024 Reading Challenges Update #2

I’m back to employing reading challenges to help direct my reading this year. Let’s check in with my progress of all the challenges I am attempting this year.

  • Goodreads 137/200 69%

  • Unread Shelf 25/50 50%

  • Kid Read Alouds 26/50 52%

  • 52 Book Club 37/52 71.2%**

  • She Reads Romance 22/36 61.1%

  • COYER 7/20 35%*

  • Decades 6/12 50%

  • Lifetime 6/12 50%

  • In Case You Missed It 7/12 58%

  • Nonfiction Reader 8/12 66.7%**

  • Library Love 41/60 68%

  • Clock Numbers 3/12 25%*

  • Fairytales 5/12 41%*

Total Challenges 0/13 0%

Total Reading Slots 330/540 61.1%

* - Needs Work
** - Doing a Great Job

Comments: Of course I need to focus on reading the books on my shelf and on my Kindle app. This is a perennial problem for me. I also want to get back to the Clock and Fairytale Challenges. I’m really trucking along with Nonfiction and Romance.

Next up on the TBR pile: