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2018 Library Love Reading Challenge

From Angel's Guilt Pleasures:

Welcome to the second annual Library Love Challenge hosted by Angel’s Guilty Pleasures & Brooke Blogs

I hope you will join use in celebrating and support libraries. 

If you are like use then you like to purchase every book you want to read. And, well that can put a hurt on your wallet. One way to help lessen the hurt is to check out books (prints, ebooks, or audios) from the library. If you do this then it will help save you LOTS of money $$.

Getting a library card in most places is FREE. So, if you love to read and/or listen to books then grab your library card and join the challenge.


Runs: January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018. You can join any time.

  • Put a sign up post on your blog or (dedicate a Goodreads shelf or LibraryThing) and link it below. Make sure it’s public.

  • The goal is to read at least twelve (12) books from the library, but you can read more. While twelve is the minimum, there is no maximum limit. See the different levels below and pick the one that works best for you.

  • Any format will work for this challenge (prints, ebooks, or audios); as long as you checked it out from the library, it counts.

  • Books can be any genre (fiction, nonfiction, romance, fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror, etc.).

  • Crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed, including re-reads. The goal is to support your local library and save money.

  • Write a review to enter the giveaway – 2 sentences or an essay, whatever works for you, but there is a minimum of 2 sentences. Not sure what to write? How about something like, “The plot was a delight, but the characters didn’t capture me.” “I enjoyed the story and really liked the characters.”

  • As an added bonus: We are offering up a GIVEAWAY with this Challenge. Winner will be picked at the end of the year!! The entries are the direct links to your book reviews and you will have until Jan. 3rd, 2019to enter your reviews in the linky and then the Rafflecopter. Go here to enter the giveaway: 2018 Library Love Challenge Review Link-ups.


  • Dewey Decimal: Read 12 books

  • Thrifty Reader: Read 24 books

  • Overdrive Junkie: Read 36 books

  • Library Addict: Read 48 books

  • Library Card on Fire: Read 60+ books

To join the 2018 Library Love challenge

  • Please link your sign-up post in the linky below 

  • To enter the giveaway make sure you use the 2018 Library Love Challenge Review Link-ups page foundHERE 

  • Grab the 2018 Library Love Challenge button and post this reading challenge on your blog to track your progress. Please include a link back to this sign-up post, so others can join the reading challenge too. You do not have to be a book blogger to participate; you can track your progress on Goodreads/LibraryThing (as long as you have a dedicated shelf someplace).

I always frequent the library and this year will be no different. I'm going to sign up for the Overdrive Junkie level of 36 books.