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2018 Goals and Resolutions

I usually have about 10 resolutions for the New Year, but I must admit that life is a bit much right now. I don't want to over-burden myself with too many goals to think about. I'm going to focus on my smaller monthly goals this coming year. However, I do have a few resolutions to highlight.

Blog and Reading Resolutions:

  1. Read 35,00 pages -- I've been hovering around this number for a few years now. I think 35,000 is my spot-on number. 
  2. Read 100 books -- A realistic goal.
  3. Clear off another shelf of unread books -- Still working on clearing off our bookshelves from all this unread books. I'm doing well not adding too many more books to the stacks. 

Life Resolutions:

  1. Rejoin the SSINK Design Team -- I'm excited to rejoin the team this January. Looking forward to all the challenges and creations.
  2. Restart MommaStrong -- Seriously need to get back on this in January. I am feeling the lack of exercise...

Revisiting 2017’s goals and resolutions:

  1. Read 35,000 pages -- Check! I ended up just a bit over my goal.
  2. Read 100 books -- Check! 
  3. Reevaluate my person blog -- Success. I did a little reevaluation and changed a few things around. We also moved the entire thing to SquareSpace and I think I've finally gotten used to how things work here. I'm temporarily happy with my blog. 
  4. Keep posting on my craft blog MWFS -- Success! I missed a few days here and there, but I ended up with a good schedule. 
  5. Clear off at least one shelf of unread books -- Success. I didn't keep a very detailed record of this one, but considering I've taken three bags of books to sell at Half Price Books over the year, I've cleared off few spots on the shelves. 
  6. Cut our grocery budget dramatically and stick to it -- Fail I guess. I did reevaluate our grocery budget and buying habits. We haven't really cut it, but we have held steady for most of the year. 
  7. Continue with MommaStrong -- Big huge fail! I fell off the bandwagon so hard. Need to get back to this one soon.
  8. Participate in SSINK Design Team -- I participated the first half of the year and took the second half off. Things were getting super crazy in the summer and I made the decision to step away for a round. I'm glad I did. I love the team, but I also loved the freedom of making whatever I wanted for a few months. I'm excited to get back into it in January.
  9. Participate in the Awesome Ladies Project Design Team -- Fail. I started strong in January, but this proved to be one thing too many on my plate. 

Next up on the TBR pile: