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Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

Title: Ink and Bone (Great Library #1)

Author: Rachel Caine

Publisher: New American Library 2015

Genre: Fantasy

Pages: 351

Rating: 5/5 stars

Reading Challenges: Popsugar - Steampunk (sorta)

Ruthless and supremely powerful, the Great Library is now a presence in every major city, governing the flow of knowledge to the masses. Alchemy allows the Library to deliver the content of the greatest works of history instantly—but the personal ownership of books is expressly forbidden. 
Jess Brightwell believes in the value of the Library, but the majority of his knowledge comes from illegal books obtained by his family. Jess has been sent to be his family’s spy, but his loyalties are tested in the final months of his training to enter the Library’s service. 
When his friend inadvertently commits heresy by creating a device that could change the world, Jess discovers that those who control the Great Library believe knowledge is more valuable than any human life—and soon both heretics and books will burn.…

Oh so good! I caught wind of this series about 6 months ago, but for some reason, just didn't get it immediately, I saw the third book on the New Books shelf at the library, went to check it out, but thankfully realized that it was the third book. So I found and checked out the first book.

First of all, I loved the world Caine throws us into. It's sorta steampunk, sorta fantasy, sorta alternate timeline. We see certain technological advances, but also a bit of magic. Then we get to the characters. I loved Jess immediately, but then we met all the rest of the postulants and scholars and guards. Such interested people who grew throughout the story. I loved how Caine peels back the layers on each character until we all see exactly who they are. Loved it! Finally we get the storyline. I loved the idea of a 1984-esque society headed by a library and librarians. We get wonder and intrigue, great action pieces, quiet moments dealing with relationships, and more. I sped through this volume in just a few days, the bulk of which was today. I could hardly put it down! So good! I can't wait to get the next volume.

Great Library

  • #1 Ink and Bone
  • #2 Paper and Fire
  • #3 Ash and Quill

Next up on the TBR pile: