Wading Through...

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Life Right Now #21

As I look outside my window: It's dark... I'm writing this on Saturday night.

Right now I am: J and I are watching the remake of True Grit. I've never seen either. Very good.

On my bedside table: Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine, lots of comics...

On my tv this week: J and I have been watching old episodes of Q.I. and Supernatural, plus more current episodes of Full Frontal.

Listening to: Lots and lots of podcasts. I'm also caught up with the backlog of Sorta Awesome episodes, plus my usual NPR Politics and NPR Up First.

On the menu for this week:

  • Monday - Beef and Guinesss Hand Pies (new to me recipe!)
  • Tuesday - Pulled Pork Sandwiches
  • Wednesday - Maple Bourbon Pecan Chicken (new to me recipe!)
  • Thursday - Italian Noodle Soup
  • Friday - Leftovers
  • Saturday - Blackened Salmon
  • Sunday - Pizza Day

On my to do list: Earlier this week I did another brain dump. Every couple of weeks, i need to do a brain dump to get all the crazy tasks out of my head so I can focus on one or two at a time. Pic is just the first page. I'm up to four pages so far...

Happening this week:

  • Monday - Errands probably...
  • Tuesday - Oakland Zoo Visit
  • Wednesday - Pool day?
  • Thursday - Seven Seas Playdate
  • Friday - Home day
  • Saturday - Arthur's friends' birthday party
  • Sunday - Crop Day!

What I am creating: Working on my cards for August. I've got only a few done, but at least two of those are for August's stamp club.

My simple pleasures: Oreo ice cream, cooler nights, decorating my Happy Planner, fun fluffy historical romances.

Looking around the house: The upstairs is looking really good after my crazy cleaning from this week. The downstairs is just constantly in a state of upheaval. To be fair, we spend 90% of our waking hours downstairs, so it just gets used more. I am feeling like another toy purge is needed soon...

From the camera: Homemade French Bread and Sausage, Potato, and Spinach Soup from Friday's dinner. Ignore my messy stovetop.

Next up on the TBR pile: