Wading Through...

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Quentin: 36 Weeks

Loving Arthur

Likes: Arthur, Arthur, and Arthur

Mean mugging someone...

Dislikes: Napping, having getting food immediately when hungry

Back to all smiles

Sleeping: Q is officially bunking in with Arthur. Surprisingly it's going well so far. Q seems to chill and then fall asleep. Arthur is the one have problems getting to sleep.

Arthur wouldn't move so Q tried to go over

Eating: All the things. His current favorite is the yogurt melts. He would eat an entire bag in one sitting if I let him.

Looks like he's in baby jail

Playing: He's getting into all the toys! Really loving anything that makes noise and Arthur's hot wheel cars and dinos.

Park Selfie


  • Cutting out the morning (or afternoon) nap — Haha!!! This kid hasn't taking two naps a day for months. It's a lucky day if he takes one nap.
  • Mastering stacking and filling — Nope not yet. He's been putting things in and out of buckets but no stacking.
  • Recognizing names, words, daily activities — He's starting to have word recognition.

Out and About: This past week we finally got a new car (a Honda Odyssey), so now I can go places with both boys any day. We ran a ton of errands, hit the park, went to a playdate, and celebrated a friend's birthday at a park. This week, the twins are arriving, so we will be out and about even more!

Next up on the TBR Pile: